Sunday, September 26, 2021

How to Survive as a Man in the Age of Misandry – and Do So with Grace

Book review: A Gentleman's Guide to Manners, Sex, and Ruling the World, by Stephen Baskerville

This is a serious and thought-provoking book. It sets the scene in a political and social landscape that hinders males from growing up to become responsible men, fathers and community leaders. The worst thing that men can do, to themselves, families, communities and “the world” (reference to title) is surrender their (gentle)manhood. That being established: Now what?

I want to try to encapsulate an aspect of the book that I believe makes it worthwhile for all men, not just those seeking advice on a successful move into manhood. Being a gentleman is not a superficial matter of merely practicing proper manners and polite gestures; nor is it an outdated concept to be confined to romance novels. A gentleman is the protagonist in his own epic, real-world struggle for good over evil. At its core is the battle for the survival of men who are often pitted against players with corrupt motives. This is the nature of misandry and it is definitely not a gentleman's cause to bow to the horde of nefarious characters that would profit at his expense and to the detriment of his family and community.

The author brings an especially powerful expertise to the conversation. He has taught political science at universities in the US and Europe for over 30 years and has been publishing on family issues for almost 25 years. His research included a great deal of field work that is related to this topic. He has demonstrated in writing and other activities (see his author page for other books) a familiarity with the chief antagonists, their weapons and tactics, and their cultural impact.

His knowledge shows. The book takes the form of a detailed argument rather than an arbitrary proclamation of behaviors. Readers will gain knowledge of the treacherous terrain that men face and what they need to consider in order to find their way. All good men should be part of this conversation. Read the book.